Algae Anatomy Biochemistry and Biotechnology by Laura Barsanti Paolo Gualtieri



Laura Barsanti
Paolo Gualtieri

Published Year: 2006

Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group

ISBN-13: 978-0-8493-1467-4 (alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-8493-1467-4 (alk. paper)

Chapter: Seven

Size: 12.8 MB (rar)

This book is an outgrowth of many years of research aimed at studying algae, especially microalgae. Working on it, we soon realized how small an area we really knew well and how superficial our treatment of many topics was going to be. Our approach has been to try to highlight those things that we have found interesting or illuminating and to concentrate more on those areas, sacrificing completeness in so doing.

This book was written and designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students with a general scientific background, following courses on algology and aquatic biology, as well as for researchers, teachers, and professionals in the fields of phycology and applied phycology. In our intention, it is destined to serve as a means to encourage outstanding work in the field of phycology, especially the aspect of teaching, with the major commitment to arouse the curiosity of both
students and teachers. It is all too easy when reviewing an intricate field to give a student new to the area the feeling that everything is now known about the subject. We would like this book to have exactly the reverse effect on the reader, stimulating by deliberately leaving many doors ajar, so as to let new ideas spring to mind by the end of each chapter.


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