Gulliver’s Travels

Cover of book Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

An author of this book is a brilliant master of words, and his main weapon is humor. He sent his hero Gulliver in four different countries where he cruel scoffs people’s behavior. The first country was Lilliput, where only the little people live. The author makes fun of their absurd conceit. In the second one, country of the Giants, Gulliver understands that his size deserves the same ridicule. In the third country that is on flying island, Gulliver is faced pride. In the last country, some animals are much smarter than people, that they hate because they dumb and dirty. Join to our hero’s journey, incredible adventure and many discoveries are waiting for you.

Film version: Gulliver’s Travels

Total words: 10524
Unique words: 1169

Words, you might not know:

voyage, assist, involved, dystopian, scientific, contempt.

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