Spider-man 2

Cover of book Spider-man 2 by Stan Lee

There was not any good news at in Parker’s family for a long time. Two years have passed since Peter’s uncle died and left him with his aunt alone. All this time Peter tried to arrange his double life as a student and as a spider-man. However, he didn’t succeeded. He lost his job in pizzeria, had quarreled with Mary Jane and he always late for all meetings. He has no money enough for paying the rent and aunt May can lose her house. His friend Harry continues the business of his father and invests in experimental projects. One of them is “fusion” – a new kind of cheap energy. Dr Otto Octavius develop this idea. He was a Peter’s scientist idol and they finally they met. During one of the experiments by Dr.Octavius something went wrong and as a result Spider-Man has received a lot of dirty job.

Film version: Spider-man 2

Total words: 7463
Unique words: 804

Words, you might not know:

brain, cable, control, crazy, crime, energy, fusion, hero, kiss, metal, moon, reaction, roof, science, seat, shoot, spider sense, swing, theatre, web, webbing

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