
Cover of book Spider-man by Stan Lee

Legendary comics about one of the great heroes. It is first part of famous series, about Peter Parker, who is a teenage outsider. His life was ordinary and boring. Peter Parker was an orphan and lived with aunt and uncle. He loved beautiful girl next door. His classmates hated him because he was weak and nerdish. Nothing could change a state of things, except a spider. Spider-mutant bit him in a museum once and that bite was enough to turn Peter Parker into the Spider-Man. Superpowers in a hand of yesterday’s loser is a dangerous weapon. Because ex-outsider wanted to make an impression on people and easiest way was to make some money and to buy expensive things. Further chain of events will lead Peter to his true mission.

Film version: Spider-man

Total words: 4342
Unique words: 514

Words, you might not know:

cable, costume, crash, crazy, explode, fight, glide, goblin, science, scream, web.

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