The Talented Mr Ripley

Cover of book The Talented Mr Ripley by Patricia Highsmith

The detectives by Patricia Highsmith is more than just ordinary investigation stories. They more like psychological novels with detective component. Tom Ripley is 25-years man, who was grown up without parents by hateful aunt. He is quite poor and lives in poverty all his life. That’s why he dreams of a luxury life with travelling and buying expensive things every day so much. But because he isn’t good educated, have no skills nor genius ideas he just can’t became rich not breaking the law. His actions are disgusting and have no borders. After scrolling accounting frauds during some time, Tom becomes beware of police. So when a famous financier Herbert Greenleaf proposing a job in London Tom agrees immediately.

Film version: The Talented Mr Ripley

Total words: 25218
Unique words: 2023

Words, you might not know:

arrest, grab, indentify, influence, slam, sweat, yell, bra, cliff, terrace, frown, cathedral, forge, lieutenant, suicede, will.

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